Providing new homes is important not only locally but nationally. It gives people a place to live for themselves and their families. It also helps support the local economy and can provide new infrastructure and open spaces for the local community. In the local area, our proposals will help the delivery of new homes to achieve the five-year supply of housing that the Council is required to have. Bidford’s status as a ‘Main Rural Centre’ in Stratford-on-Avon’s Core Strategy represents an opportunity for us to deliver housing in a sustainable location which has good access to a range of local services and facilities.
The proposed development will provide 35% affordable housing and will need to be supported by the right infrastructure, including education and healthcare. This will be discussed with the Council and other consultees through the application process, and any necessary contributions can be secured through a Section 106 legal agreement.
As well as providing new high-quality family housing in Bidford-on-Avon, the design incorporates new areas of public open space. This will deliver natural greenspace, a childrens play area and an enhanced orchard available to new and existing residents.
No, the site is not in the Green Belt.
Any planning permission will be required to make contributions towards local schools and healthcare facilities. If requested, this will be discussed with the council and other consultees through the application process, and any necessary contributions can be secured through a Section 106 legal agreement.
Vehicles will access via a new priority-controlled T-junction with Salford Road.
The proposals will meet a policy-compliant mix of parking spaces for each dwelling which is as follows:
1 parking space for a one-bedroom home
2 parking spaces for a two to three-bedroom home
3 parking spaces for a four-bedroom home
The parking in the proposals will focus on providing parking spaces on private drives but will also include on-street parking. The exact mix will be determined at any future reserved matters planning application.
Do you have any additional questions?
Email the project team at contact@salfordroadbidford.co.uk
Call 0808 1688 296 to leave a message and a member of the team will call you back.